ACPOC Member Spotlight
ACPOC members are essential to achieving our mission of improving quality of care for patients. Starting in October, ACPOC will recognize a member of the month to help display the personal and professional accomplishments of our members, and to encourage members to network with one another. Featured members will be highlighted in our ACPOC news, social media channels, and on the ACPOC website.

Gabby Nguyen
Work Place and Position: Assistant Professor, Pediatric Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation- Texas Children’s Hospital/ Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, TX
Position for ACPOC: I am running for the ACPOC board to be a Member- at- Large
Alma Mater: University of Michigan School of Kinesiology, University of Oklahoma College of Medicine
Family: We have a crazy two year old son and a feisty long haired dachshund named Lulu!
Special Interests: In addition to pediatric limb loss, I am co-medical director of our brachial plexus clinic and a member of the TCH/ USOPC medical team that treats US Paralympic athletes.
Why ACPOC is important to you? Pediatric rehab and the world of orthotics and prosthetics is made interesting and challenging by the multitude of approaches that are available to care. I enjoy ACPOC because it brings members from all disciplines nationwide together to share ideas and challenge current paradigms of care in this ever changing field. My hope is to encourage these discussions to allow us to progress the field and provide the best care to the most challenging of patients!

Connie Summers
Work Place and Position: Mary Free Bed Rehabilitation Hospital- Certified Orthotist and Pediatric Orthotic Residency Mentor
Position for ACPOC: Member, and running for board position (Member- at-Large)
Alma Mater: NUPOC for Orthotics and Eastern Michigan University for Sports Medicine – Athletic Training
Family: Just me! I love spending time with my niece and nephew!!! They are my world and I love spoiling them.
Special Interests: Love reading especially thrillers always looking for recommendations, Spending time on the shores of Lake Michigan, and traveling.
Why ACPOC is important to you? This is the one organization where I truly feel the people who are in ACPOC want the BEST for Kiddos! No matter your title or role you want the best for these kids.