The Newsletter of the Association of Children’s Prosthetic-Orthotic Clinics will publish a number of advertisements each issue. Advertisers benefit from ACPOC News‘ unique multidisciplinary readership, focused on the care of children up to the age of adulthood with orthopedic and neurological disorders. Readers include physicians, therapists, orthotists, prosthetists, counselors, nurses, engineers, administrators and other individuals in institutions throughout North American and several countries around the world.
ACPOC News is the ideal media to advertise orthopedic appliances, components, materials, rehab-devices and services of benefit to patients with neuromuscular and skeletal disorders. Advertisements are an excellent way to bring new product and services to the attention of clinicians at the forefront of pediatric management. Pre-payment of advertising is required for each issue of ACPOC News. We can send you an invoice once we received your signed insertion form. Payment deadlines are the same as submission and ad deadlines.
Press Releases
If advertisement is obtained, I encourage you to submit current news releases and scientific data,(including pictures), using space up to the size of your ad so it can be added under separate heading called Production Information/News. This will give you twice the advertisement space at no extra cost. Please feel free to contact me should you have further questions.
Scientific Articles
We are always looking for articles, papers, manuscripts on treatments, challenging cases, creative solutions, and current research to be published in ACPOC News. Camera ready copy in electronic files can be emailed to
Deadlines for Submission of Material, Ads, and Payment
- Spring Issues: January 15th
- Summer Issues: June 15th
- Winter Issues: October 15th
Advertising Rates
- Full Page: $750
(1200px by 1575px artwork) - Half Page: $450
(787px by 1200px artwork) - Quarter Page: $300
(638px by 787px artwork)
Format for Artwork
Ad can be sent as high resolution picture, PDF or EPS file.
Email Artwork to
ACPOC office at
Deadlines for Submission of Material, Ads, and Payment
- Spring Issues: January 15th
- Summer Issues: June 15th
- Winter Issues: October 15th
Benefits to Advertisers
- Very competitive advertising rates
- Advertising in ACPOC News gives entitlement to commercial news releases of equal size to the ad size at no extra cost
- Highly specialized readership: Multidisciplinary Professionals with special interest in children with prosthetic and orthotic needs
- Advertisers Web-Page Listing in the Newsletter. USA, Canadian and International distribution to our members, member clinics, and exhibiting companies. It is also distributed at orthopaedic and O&P meetings throughout the year
- Very appealing design, with scientific content, business & product news, Association and Meeting updates, News Releases, Interview Corner, etc.