ACPOC is also pleased to offer the “New Investigator Research Award” for papers accepted for the Annual Meeting by qualified students, residents, and fellows in the field of pediatric orthopaedics, orthotics, and prosthetics. Monetary awards are provided for up to three award recipients, in addition to waived Annual Meeting registration and one year ACPOC membership. Award recipients must attend the Annual Meeting to present their paper, and are responsible for their own travel and lodging expenses.
Who is Eligible: Students and residents in O&P, MD, OT, and PT programs, who are completing or have completed their directed study in the current year. The study must be applicable to the pediatric population.
The criteria to be considered for the award are:
- A letter from the head of the applicant’s department verifying training status.
- The majority of the work must have been completed during the time the applicant was a student or resident.
- You are eligible to submit, if you are within one year of completing the training program.
- A full manuscript must be submitted.
- Winning manuscripts must be eligible for publication in the ACPOC News.
- All students and residents (medical, physical, engineers, researchers, occupational therapy, orthotic, and prosthetic) are welcome to submit applications.
Proudly Sponsorsed by:
- 1st Place: Michael Ceder, BSc, and Fredrik Bergljung, BSc, Developed Quality Register for Orthoses in CP
- 1st Place: Rebecca Siegel, MD, Sports Participation and Prosthetic/Adaptive Equipment use in Youth with Lower Limb Deficiency/Amputation
- 2nd Place: Kevin Koenig, Jr., MPO, CO, Clinical Outcomes Measurement in Pediatric Lower Limb Prosthetics: A Scoping Review
- 3rd Place: Hannah Hodge, CPO, MPO, Common Pediatric Cerebral Palsy Classifications Affecting Caregiver Burden
- 1st Place: Helenlyn Popescu, MPO; Robert Lipschutz, CPO, Transition Experiences of Young Adults with Complex Health Care Needs: A Qualitative Study
- 1st Place: Matthijs Schakel, PT, MSc; Anka Michielsen, MSc, PT; Han Houdijk; Olaf Verschuren, PhD; and Iris Van Wijk, Differences in Running Performance in Children Using a Lower Limb Prosthesis Compared to their Peers
- 2nd Place: Alexandria Daniels, MSPO; Jessica Hovestol, MSPO; and Rebecca Spragg, MSPO, CPO, Consensus in Defining and Treating Idiopathic Toe Walking
- No Awards Given
- 1st Place: Megan E. Glahn, MS, Addressing the Psychological Complexities of Scoliosis Bracing
- 2nd Place: Matt Brown, MD, Patient Reported Knee Function and Stability in Patients with Fibular Deficiency
- 2nd Place: Rochelle A. Dumm, MSPO, Investigating Cranial Skin Surface Thermal Variations
of Infants Wearing Cranial Reshaping Helmet (CRH)
- 1st Place: Kaitlin A. Cash, CPO, Case Study: Use of an IMU System to Examine Gait Changes when Altering Alignment in a Rotationplasty Prosthesis
- 2nd Place: Rachael Rosen, MPO, The Effect of Body Mass Index on In-Brace Correction Obtained by a Boston-Style Scoliosis TLSO in Patients Diagnosed with Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis: A Retrospective Study
- 3rd Place: Meghan Guglich, BSc(Kin), Yoga Therapy for Phantom Limb Pain
- 1st Place: Burhan Dhar, CPO, Conversion of Hip Disarticulation into Transfemoral Amputation
- 2nd Place: Jessica McQuerry, MD, Effect of Amputation Level on Quality of Life and Subjective Function in Children
- 1st Place: Burhan Dhar, CPO, Tibial – Fibular Bone Synostosis Permanent Solution In Pediatric Transtibial Amputations. Case Review Of Two Bilateral Transtibial Amputees
- 1st Place: Natasha Casimir, MS, PT, DPT, Functional Outcomes of a Child with Möbius Syndrome and Congenital Lower Limb Deficiencies after Rehabilitation: A Case Report
- 1st Place: Asim M. Makhdom, MD, MSc, The Accordion Maneuver And The Effects Of Compression Loading On Delayed Regenerate Bone Formation In Cases Of Limb Lengthening
- 1st Place: Hannah G. Godlewski, CO, Investigation Of The Providence Tlso For Treatment Of Scoliosis
- 2nd Place: Shana Garland, The Effect Of Dynamic Elastomeric Fabric Orthoses On Upper Extremity Function Of Children With Cerebral Palsy: Systematic Review Of The Literature
- 3rd Place: Hunter Scott, RP, Investigating The Use Of Elevated Vacuum Suspension On The Adult Pffd Patient: A Case Study
- No awards given
- 1st Place: Todd Dewees, CPO and Brock W. Sande, CPO, Using Gait Analysis to Compare the Sagittal Plane Biomechanical Effects of Three Designs of Ankle Foot Orthoses
- 2nd Place: Carly Genn, BEng, Electromyography Patterns During Swinging in Children with Upper Limb Loss: Wearing Their Prosthesis Versus Not Wearing It
- 3rd Place: Melissa Malkush, CP, MSPO, Why Do Children With Cerebral Palsy Stop Wearing Their Lower Extremity Orthoses?
- 1st Place: Anka Michielsen, PT, MSc, Parent and Self-reported Participant and Health-related Quality of Life in Dutch Children and Adolescents with Congenital Lower Limb Deficiencies
- 2nd Place: Anne E Fecko, OTR/L, MSEd, BEO, Prevalence of Rotator Cuff Tear in Paraplegic Patients Compared to Controls: A Case-Control-Study
- 3rd Place: Katelynn Craig, Developing and Implementing Force Transducers in Gross Motor Tasks as a Means of Quantitative Assessment
- 1st Place: Rebecca K Spragg, MSPO, Natural Progression of Non-Synostotic Plagiocephaly
- 2nd Place: R. Dwight Putnam, Exploring the Applications of Semi Custom Silicone Partial Foot Prostheses in a Pediatric Amputee Population
- 3rd Place: Matthew Paruch, Initial Correction in Providence and Charleston Braces for Idiopathic Scoliosis
- 4th Place: Olga V. Vigna, Physical Appearance of Prosthesis after Syme/Boyd Amputation vs Van Nes Rotationplasty in Adults with Proximal Femoral Focal Deficiency (PFFD)